Our new naturally-leavened organic baguette is now available in our cafes!
Over the last four months, our Production Manager, Sergio Castaneda, has developed an Organic Baguette that features Cairnspring Mill’s Organic Expresso Bread Flour and their Organic Edison T85 All-Purpose Flour, among other organic flours. We leaven the loaf with our Organic White Starter.
“The flours give the baguette great flavor and texture,” says Sergio. The starter helps develop the organic acids in the loaf, making the bread easier to digest and acting as a natural preservative. “The bottom line is it just has remarkable flavor, particularly when you’re using grains that have integrity,” says our founder, Leslie Mackie. The new organic baguette has a slightly more sourdough profile than our traditional Macrina baguette.
“Our primary concern is that our quality is always at its best,” says Leslie. “We have a rich tradition to build on, and we’re continually improving with the help of the whole team.”
We can’t wait for you to try it!